Start your degree with ultimate flexibility! Complete the first two years of any program fully online. Our virtual core curriculum lets you balance studies with life, whether you're jumpstarting your education from home or building a strong academic foundation.
Take the first step today—your journey starts here!
Registration for Spring 2025 Term I ends January 17
RIZE courses are innovative, industry-focused, and designed for tomorrow's careers.
Created with experts, they offer flexible options to build in-demand skills and stay competitive!
Advance professionally or enhance your degree with online or blended learning.
“The dedication of the staff at Blue Mountain College is unequivocal, second to none. Earning an MBA while working full time is daunting at first, but the simplicity, convenience, and structure of the program has made for a phenomenal experience. Exactly what any student could ask for.”
Clint P.
“The BMC online business program is a busy mom’s best friend. It has given me the opportunity to earn my degree with the flexibility to work full time.”
Veronica K.
“Working full time and being a mom of five does not allow for much wiggle room. Let’s be real: Working my way to an online psychology degree has its challenges; but with professors and professionals who plan well for people like me, it is a challenge I am willing to accept. I am grateful the Lord has allowed this opportunity!”
Wendy B.
Students enrolled in distance learning may take two to three 3-hour courses per 8 week term.
Once a student registers for a course, the Business Office will post the tuition and fees to the student portal. The student may pay the bill by cash, check, or credit card. No student will be given access to the online course until the bill is paid.
To be eligible for financial aid at Blue Mountain College, you must:
• Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
• Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an eligible degree program or seeking endorsements to meet requirements of Mississippi Department of Education certification
• Be in current standing on all student loans and grants from any institutionHave approval for final admission to Blue Mountain College
• Have a complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with Blue Mountain College
• Complete the FAFSA at Blue Mountain College school code is 002398.
• Contact the Office of Financial Aid after you have completed your FAFSA. The financial aid staff will provide the forms required to process a federal loan.
Remaining steps may include:
• Complete Loan Application
• Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling
• Complete Verification
• Complete Financial Aid Information Sheet
Go to Get Prepared for School and complete the appropriate registration form.
Yes. Your advisor will be the Program Coordinator for the Online Degree Program that you are enrolled in:
Undergradute Business: Dr. LeeAnne Price
MBA: Mr. Josh Simpson
Psychology: Dr. Emily Derrick
Go here.
Blue Mountain College requires class attendance for online courses. According to Policy 2.10, students who miss 12.5% of the time will receive an automatic “F” in the course. Each online professor will include an attendance requirement in the syllabus. Since each of the online courses meets eight weeks, one week of non-attendance, which is 12.5% of the time in the course, will result in an automatic “F.” Seventy-five percent of the assignments for the week must be completed within the week to receive full attendance.
Direct questions concerning online instruction to your program coordinator. For technical assistance, email Tech Support giving your name, student ID, a phone number where you can be reached, and the technical problem with any error messages you are receiving.